Our Club's 4th Anniversary!

27/09/2014 07:20


October marks our club's 4th anniversary!

It's been an interesting four years for sure, highlighted by visits from Master Cheung and Master Evan Pantazi. I have continued to evolve my own practice which in turn influences all the members of the club. I believe this continuous growth to be imperative due to the fact that Taiji and Qigong are extremely deep practices and anyone who thinks they know it all has just lost their drive to learn more.

In the last four years we have played with our curriculum but I think we have finally settled upon a clearly defined strategy that takes the students through all five of the learning phases (physical, emotional, mental, energetic, spiritual) in clear and consistent way. Our affliation with three international organizations also helps to solidify our teachings and rankings. My own international Taijiquan ranking at 5th duan, as well as my awarded black belt in Sansho also lends credence to the skills that are being passed down. 

Our club membership remains small. This is both a blessing and a challenge. A blessing because each student gets more attention in each class which helps due to the vast amount of information they are always being inundated with, but a challenge just because I'd like to share this information with many more students if possible. 

Having said that... I know that what we teach at our club is "different" than what most people are expecting when they walk through the door for the first time, but I'm staying true to who I am as a taiji player and teacher. It was interesting that just last week ago a woman came to see us that had been teaching tai chi for the last seven years and after the class she commented that she learned more in that one class then she had in 20 years. I liken myself to "Grandma" at the family dinner that keeps saying "eat more... you need to eat more... you're too skinny" as I am continuously filling up your tai chi plate to overflowing. I realize that I very often share too much, and I'm trying to tone it down, but better that I share what I know vs not sharing and stagnating the growth each student.  

I am also proud of the introduction of Kyusho into our club and curriculum. "Pressure point" knowledge has long been a higher practice within taijiquan and I am determined to open up this area of study for not just the students at our club but hopefully for students of taijiquan world wide (hint, hint :) I believe the decision to affliate with Master Evan Pantazi and Kyusho International (KI) will pay dividends in time as KI offers cutting edge information vs the old school, stagnant and often BS information of ALL the other sources of this knowledge. I urge anyone who reads this and is interested in taking their art to the highest level to contact me about incorporating this knowledge into your teachings. 

Lastly, a few thank you's.

Thank you to Brian for his continued support. Brian has been a cornerstone of our club since before there was a club. His continuous generousity with his time and knowledge is a golded example of a truly committed taiji player.

Kelly, thanks go out to you for your committment to the club as well. You continuously push through each challenge that comes your way. You are a great example of persistence and warmth. This year will probably be the most challenging yet, but I'm confident that by this time next year taiji & qigong will occupy an even larger part of your heart and consciousness.

Karen and Dorothy. Thank you for your commitment to becoming qigong instructors. The path you have signed onto has not been easy due to the committment required, but your gong fu is getting stronger! and one day you'll be the ones helping those seeking the powerful calm that exudes from the centre of mastery.

And to all my students... thank you for your continued support! Let's make this next year one to remember!





