Kyusho Seminar coming up next weekend

18/05/2014 07:39

Next weekend is the Kyusho seminar with Master Evan Pantazi.... very exciting!


I look at incorporating the kyusho knowledge into our tai chi practice as a very high level skill set and something that I very rarely hear any other tai chi club doing. The only tai chi masters that I know of who publically speak to this aspect of our art are Yang Jwing-Ming and Shou-Yu Liang. 

The old story told about this part of of art is that the old masters would go to the local jails and bribe the guards guards in order get prisoners to practice on for the night. The masters would practice away to learn what truly worked and what didn't and then they would return the prisoner in the morning.

But the fact is that incorporating skilled targeting is a part of high level tai chi and having the world's best best practioner and teacher of this knowledge come to our little school in Barrie is a great honour. I feel very fortuneate that we have been granted this opportunity.

The topic of the course for Saturday is Kyusho and Dim Mak.

Dim Mak the legendary death touch. Is it real? Is it applicable? How does it differ from Kyusho? 

Evan will address all of these questions as well as teach us what I call "TAR"; Target/Access/Result.

One must have knowledge of the target (anatomical location), be able to access the target via angle/direction/weapon and at a high level we do all of this because we are working to achieve a specific result (drop the legs or seal the breath or change the level of consciousness in the opponent). 

There are very few students studying the arts today that take their training to this level. Most of the striking training is sparring and gross targeting. This is counter to the aim small philosophy of Kyusho. 

Sunday we will be doing dynamic kyusho training in order to learn how to skillfully use kyusho knowledge and technique in realistic application.

There are a few remaining spots open if anyone wishes to come meet Evan and take their skills to the next level!



