Microcosm to Macrocosm

01/06/2014 07:16

This student's writing was inspired when learning the 2nd section of the 108 long form set where our training concept is root.


From a Student (with permission)

"I was thinking about root and my relationship to my root on my drive home last night ( while I was trying to feel root through the steering wheel of a moving vehicle – I gave that up ), and what occurred to me is that the difficulty I am having in feeling/sensing where my own root is, and consequently having difficulty in being able to manipulate it, may be related to the overall life situation I am in at the moment, what with having to move by June 30, but not knowing where I need to go or what I'm supposed to be doing. Emotionally, mentally, and physically ( in a metaphoric sense) I, at this moment, have no root.

That being said, I intuited that by practicing sensing my root I might be able to develop my root in those other areas. Microcosm to macrocosm."


The above is an excellent example of the deeper searchings that our tai chi training demands. Good training is more than forms work in the studio. Good training is working with the concepts every moment of everyday. Understanding that tai chi is life training will open the mind of a good student. 



