Regurgitating on old post....

17/09/2014 13:03

This was originally posted in 2012... just thought I'd share it again


Stages of Cultivation

Over the next few entries I’m going to be sharing some information that only some will be able to digest, but I feel that it is important for me to do so at this specific time.

Stage One
Purify the physical body
Purify the emotional body
Purify the mind

When you go and get yourself a glass of water you probably like to use a clean glass and you’d like your water to be clean as well. You are about to put something into your body and it makes perfect sense to do what you can to ensure that sustenance is clean and clear has hasn’t been compromised by a soiled container.

This same philosophy holds true when applied to purifying the body. One should make all attempts to only consume what they know to be clean and pure. For a substance to be clean and pure you’ll have to determine the how that produce was cultivated, harvested, prepared, packaged, transported and possibly sold. Each and every “touch” along that product’s journey has had an influence upon it.

Whether you know exactly where the produce has come from or even if you are unsure about something you are about to consume, it is always a good idea to consciously consume.

What do I mean by consciously consume?

Everything is energy. Everything obeys the laws of the Universe, two of which are the Law of Vibration and the Law of Polarity.

The Law of Vibration states that everything is always vibrating, nothing can ever be perfectly still. All atomic and sub-atomic structure whirls around at fantastic speeds all the time. Your bodily form follows the same rule.

The Law of Polarity states that there is no duality (even though that is all that we seemingly perceive) and that all “like concepts”, such as light and dark or hot and cold, are the same type of energy just divided by degrees. This is best understood if you can comprehend the truth that there is no dark only lack of light and there is no cold, only lack of heat. Think about it and you’ll see.

The Law of Polarity also states that a higher vibration can influence a lower state at will. The light from a candle will always overcome darkness. Thus we can gather and use higher vibrational energies and apply that influence.

Applying the two above Laws into consciously consuming your sustenance means that you will infuse your sustenance with the highest possible vibration that you can. This has been made easier for us as almost everything we consume has a certain percentage of water and water is a great medium for energy or information transfer.

You are what you eat. So if you are trying to raise your consciousness it just makes sense to start with what you are consuming.

The body also has built in sub-conscious detoxification systems such as waste management, air filtration and lymph drainage. To aid in the detoxification process we can learn to consciously expel any lower vibrational energies from the system as well. You have heard “in with the good air, out with the bad” types of sayings. So, one should enhance the efforts of the sub-conscious systems by making the conscious effort to expel all toxicity from the body whenever the body is already doing so. All that is required is the use of the Will to manifest the desire.

Next time, Purify the emotional body

