Taiji is a catalyst

08/03/2014 07:45

I was teaching at the college last week, week 4 of the 14 week course and our lecture topic was Taiji philosophy. We finished up the lecture and moved into the gym for the practical lesson but before we started a student approached me.

He said that during the lecture about how everything is connected and in perfect balance something was triggered inside of him. He said he felt that at that moment everything clicked together and made sense. He felt that everything was ok. He was also infused with energy and he repeatedly mentioned as we talked that he had "burn it off". Interesting.

Another student approached me right after and related to me how she felt a sense of calm "like I feel when I'm in the woods". She related that whenever she gets wound up, a walk in the woods is just the thing she needs in order to re-balance. Taiji gave her that as well. Interesting.

I have taught probably close to 1000 people by now and I continuously get feedback like the above. Taiji is not just slow motion movement. It is a catalyst and will change how you play in the world.



