
08/03/2014 07:45

Taiji is a catalyst

I was teaching at the college last week, week 4 of the 14 week course and our lecture topic was Taiji philosophy. We finished up the lecture and moved into the gym for the practical lesson but before we started a student approached me. He said that during the lecture about how everything is...


09/02/2014 11:07

Interesting Article from our Kyusho teacher Master Evan Pantazi


08/02/2014 08:05


Time has been in short supply lately as I have been working on a new Tai Chi project and marrying off my daughter! Now that the wedding has been successfully accomplished and my project is nearing completion I hope to be able to contribute a lot more to the blog and website.   Studio News: The...


18/01/2014 16:33

"the extreme fear has remained"

From one of my students....   Anyway, I think I mentioned that I had a root canal last week.  Not sure if I have ever mentioned I am terrified of dentists.  I had a very nice, but horribly brutal dentist when I was a child (my Godfather).  I remember one time in particular...


09/01/2014 16:54

New Beginner Class

Last night's beginner class was a great success. Lots of new people showed up to taste what tai chi is all about. Eight weeks to play, let's see if we can get through the set and get a few new students hooked on Qi!


07/01/2014 06:53

Deeper Understanding

Last night at class we started with a little push hands practice which lead us to spending about half of our time discussing taiji vs taijiquan as well as how to use what we learn in class out in the "real" world. For those who don't know, taijiquan is the martial art that we play, while taiji is a...


24/12/2013 10:31

"I don't worry about things"

At class last night one of the students told us a story about a Chinese man coming into his workplace to do some paperwork. My student noticed that the man was in his eighties and commented that he looked really young and fit for his age. The student then asked what he attributed his youthfulness...


16/12/2013 17:33

Very Important Info!!!

I don't usually stray to far from the internal arts on my blog but I'm going to today. For anyone that has a feeling that something is terribly wrong with our over all "system" in the world today, I invite you to first look at these video's and then also take a quick look at my "other passion" that...


14/12/2013 09:10

Inspirational video

Here's a link to a great video that shows what happens when a family is supportive of a child's inate ability. Enjoy!   inspirational video


11/12/2013 13:25

"Are my students just getting a lot of bang for their buck?"

  I was viewing some video of another art being taught the other day and was kind of shocked to see the instructor teaching other black belts (some where 4th and 5th dan) about the concepts of long vs short energy using an arm bar as the example.   I say I was shocked because I teach this...



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