Sifu Rod Morin

In the year 2000 Rod changed his focus from a lifetime of external martial arts training to internal arts training and began taking steps toward the pursuit of self mastery. After a multi-year apprenticeship under the tutelage of a senior instructor recognized by the Canadian Taijiquan Federation Rod was the only participant in the program to be awarded his instructor honours. In 2010 the Barrie Tai Chi & Qigong training club was opened and started accepting students. The curriculum of the club reflects Sifu Rod's passion for including all aspects of taijiquan training including the healing, martial, energetic and esoteric aspects. 
Sifu Rod has taught hundreds of people basic Tai Chi and Qigong plus recently produced a Yang style 16 forms instructional video that is unlike anything else on the market. Sifu Rod is also in the process of training new instructors in order to spread the benefits of these wonderful internal arts.


Taijiquan Certifications




Qigong Certifications



AMAWW Affliation