Taijiquan Rankings

Traditionally there is no ranking structure for Taiji or Qigong. Higher learning was always decided by the Master on a individual basis as to whether the student was ready to progress and learn more of the particular system being taught.

Our club has incorporated a ranking system because we believe that a structured learning curve is advantageous and assessments help focus the student to internalize specific teachings. After a successful grading, both the student and teacher are assured of what has been absorbed and what still needs to be worked on. A successful grading also shows that the student has an acceptable understanding of the teachings and can be trusted to share that knowledge with others.




Many students ask "when will I know when I am ready to advance"... 

My answer is "when you can teach it, then you know it"


Our ranking system is comprised of six Ji ranks and nine Duan ranks.

Ji ranks are comprised of knowledge attached to the teaching of the Yang style open hand 108 long set, 32 form Saber set with applications plus single and double push hands. The student must not only be proficient in the performance of these sets but also hold a high degree of understanding pertaining to tai chi concepts and fundamentals. 

Duan ranks begin with Jian (sword) training and again, more than just performance of the set is required. In order to advance the student must not only have a working knowledge of the forms, techinques and the weapon itself but also have the ability to wield the weapon as an energetic extension in order to expand the players energetic influence to the opponent.

As the players progress beyond 1st Duan additional training includes:

Song Shen Wu Fa

Chin Na/Shuai Jiao

Jing/Fa jing training

Free form dynamic push hands

Add'l open hand forms and weapons sets

Lazhu Fang Fa (candle training)


Plus other advanced training that take the students practice to the highest level of the Supreme Ultimate art. 

Curriculum_Overview April 2014

If a student so desires, they can join the AMAWW and their Ranking will be archived with this International organization.