Tai Chi means "Supreme Ultimate"

Tai chi or more traditionally written Taiji, is a modality of internal arts training that uses specific physical movements or "forms" that are linked together into sets. The performance of these sets are a type of meditation in motion where the player enhances physical co-ordination, strength and balance while harmonizing the internal energy system. This can positively effect the body's cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic, digestive and nervous systems, while increasing bone mass and immune system functionality.

The Taiji style we teach is Yang style. It is the world's most popular style of Taiji. Yang style incorporates slow, circular and spiraling movements designed to be used as a part of ones proactive approach to health.

The forms taught are 16, 40, Yang long form (108), long staff, saber and sword.  These forms are not exhaustive of the sets available but have been chosen to provide the student with a structured learning curve that begins with a shorter and more basic set and culminates in the advanced sword form.

It is said: 100 days for open hand, 1,000 days for staff and 10,000 days for sword.


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