Tui Shou (Single - Sensing Hands)

Taijiquan - Single Join hands or sensing hands is the practice of learning sensitivity and connection to one's own body as well as that of the opponents. The goal of the training is to become so sensitive that one can know what the opponent will do before he/she does it and thus you will win without having to fight. Push hands training is not just a physical exercise, it's lessons can be incorporated into ones daily life resulting in a happier, less stressful existance with the rest of the world.

Four Elements  - attach, adhere, connect, follow
Four "No's"   

never meet force with force
never loose your root
never yield without response (yin but no yang)
never resist or struggle

Four Stances   

right forward cross step
right forward direct step
left forward cross step
left forward direct step

Four Neutralizing Techniques

fold & pile


flip flop change -
silk reeling - attack is to strong side, neutralize but then coil the attackers forearm upon his retreat and then attack upwards

Self training   

yang coiling
yin coiling

Partner Training   

spaghetti arm yank (learn to let go and not resist)
silk reeling sticking hands (watch for and reduce friction)

Moving Single hand   

maintaining proper range
angles and changes (offense & defensive)




invest in loss